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Crypto-mining Threat for Businesses in Australia

What is Crpyto-mining?

Crypto-mining is when your computer is used to generate cryptocurrency, such as BitCoin and Monero.

Crypto-mining is a financially motivated activity. In this case, criminals are using malware to access computers and networks, to create currency or to sell processing power to other people.

What’s happened?

Thousands of websites across the globe have fallen victim to crypto-mining malware, after using a popular web tool designed to help people with vision impairment, dyslexia, and low literacy.

In crypto-mining, the power and memory of your computer is used to generate cryptocurrency. If criminals gain access to your computer they can generate crypto-currency without your knowledge.

Security researcher Scott Helme claims 4,275 websites have been hijacked worldwide, including in Australia.

It is understood criminals secretly added a malicious program onto the website plug-in ‘Browsealoud’ which allowed them to mine cryptocurrency when the browser window was loaded.

Does it affect my business?

Businesses that rely on the digital accessibility tool ‘Browsealoud’ to deliver a text-to-speech web application are potentially affected.

Texthelp, the company that delivers ‘Browsealoud’ says it has taken it offline while the company alerts its customers.

What do I need to do?

Install any security updates as they become available or alternatively, identify whether another accessibility tool is available which has been recently patched.

Make sure your organisation’s computers and applications are up to date.

For more information, please visit: www.staysmartonline.gov.au


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