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Business Support Information Technology

Australian privacy watchdog launches investigation into Clearview AI

Australia’s privacy watchdog will probe the personal information handling practices of Clearview AI after several policing agencies admitted to having used the controversial facial recognition tool. The Office ...

Business Support

COVIDSafe was ‘sunscreen’ for coronavirus, until it wasn’t. Have we chosen the right solution to the pandemic?

When it launched, COVIDSafe was marketed as Australia’s ticket out of lockdown, so long as everyone downloaded it. “If you want to go outside when the sun is shining, you have got to put sunscreen o...

Australian government
Information Technology

Australian government and companies targeted by a sophisticated state-based actor

What’s happened? The Australian Government is aware of and responding to, a sustained targeting of Australian governments and companies by a sophisticated state-based actor. A range of tactics, techniques, and ...

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Information Technology

Spying on users of Google’s Chrome shows new security weakness

A newly discovered spyware effort attacked users through 32 million downloads of extensions to Google’s market-leading Chrome web browser, researchers at Awake Security told Reuters, highlighting the tech...

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Google and Apple release technology to help with COVID-19 contact tracing

A new technology that could help alert people who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 is being tested to determine if it will work in Australia.  Google and Apple have devised a COVID-19 ex...

Information Technology

Why COVIDSafe hasn’t helped, yet.

COVIDSafe was sold by the Government as essential to lifting coronavirus lockdown restrictions, but the app is yet to provide much assistance to local health authorities. Since its launch on April 26, more than...


Unfixable Thunderbolt flaws bypass computer access security

A Dutch master’s student has found vulnerabilities in the Thunderbolt input/output port hardware design that lets attackers fully bypass computer access security measures such as Secure Boot, login passwo...

Cyber Security

Microsoft warns to stay alert from human-operated ransomware campaigns

Microsoft warns to stay alert from human-operated ransomware campaigns During the pandemic crisis, the cybercriminals are still looking for victims. The Microsoft’s Threat Protection Intelligence Team has...

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Stay safe and be tele aware

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations and people. We have started using web conferencing systems, like Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, stay safe, GoToMeeting and Cisco WebEx to connect online. These applic...